We are locked in and nature is provocatively celebrating!
In Kos, as in the rest of the world, Covid-19 has put us in a new unpredictable situation. We feel great sadness for those who have been lost, and are worried for those who are fighting at the front lines for the next day, for the health of our loved ones, for the employment instability and so much more.
We are staying inside, being disciplined under government orders. Greece is making a great fight to keep the spread of the pandemic low. We fill our daily lives with new activities, communication with friends and associates, education, reading, cooking, exercising, various tasks that were outside our previous daily routine.
I look up out the window and am surprised. Nature, with confidence, celebrates the Spring and rejoices with every cell. I observe and I am enchanted. Never before have I noticed so much beauty in the flowers, in the trees, in the green leaves.
The vegetables I find from local producers for cooking and salads have bright colors and wonderful flavors. The culinary result is unique. But what stands out and gives the taste and aromas are the herbs, the aromatics we use.
For tea, sage from the mountains of the island, chamomile, louiza, marjoram and so many others that benefit our body and keep it healthy. Especially now that the body's defenses are necessary, 2-3 cups of tea from different herbs at a time is a pleasure and health benefit. At the same time, they bring peace to the mind and soul. At our hotel, we share with you these flavors, which are valuable as well as simple.
Every morning the day starts with energy given by a spoonful of local honey or from the nearby islands. It shields the body and gives it the strength it needs. Bees are the most valuable insects on the planet. They help maintain the natural environment, which is achieved through plant reproduction and pollination. Do you know that they are facing a huge reduction in their population? They are mainly threatened by the high toxicity pesticides that destroy the ecosystem. On the islands, we have great respect for the most industrious creatures on the planet. Bee society, the structure and function of the swarm in the hive, are considered an ideal model of sustainable society. You will find excellent quality honey with us, and you can find it from the local market and take it with you.
In our home and hotel kitchen, we use seasonal vegetables and fruits. The flavors are enhanced by the aromas of the plants that we find only this season. If we make dolmadakia – stuffed vine leafs- with the leaves tender and fresh from the vine (before the grapes are made), we will mix them with rice, parsley, mint, dill and even fennel. The taste is indescribable. If we make a pie with the greens collected from the countryside, we will also add myronia (chervil, French parsley among the “fine herbs”), kaykalithres (hartwort), leeks, spring onions fresh with their leaves, cardamom. They are simple ingredients from the countryside that give divine flavors.
As for the flowers, I'm speechless. Blessing and beauty in nature and in our lives. I will single out the anemone that we find a lot in Kos at this time. It is beautiful, its name means "daughter of the wind" because the ancient Greeks believed that its flower opens only with the blowing of the wind. In English they rendered it "Wind Rose". Three species are known in ancient times the calm anemone (Anemone coronalia), the wild anemone (Anemone stellata) which in antiquity is said to have sprouted from the tears of the goddess Aphrodite and the anemone with dark leaves (Anemone nemorosa).I let you dream of flavors, aromas and colors. I will be happy to hear what you like best and I will come back with new ideas and information about life in Kos, the beauties of nature, the traditions that we follow in the hotel.
Author: Anda Karayanni, Praxis Plus